For The Pros at BigBassBaits.net share Secrets to fishing Crawfish Colored Crankbaits
BIGBASSBAITS.NET of Marietta GA is the place to go. The Georgia-based company which touts itself as a leader in custom painting lures, is now making available to you the same baits as the professional fishermen. They are dedicated to producing the highest quality custom lure. Styles and patterns that the pros have been keeping under lock and key.
For most of the USA Fall Fishing still seems to be a long time away. The Pros at www.bigbassbaits.net want to help you with more knowledge while you are still getting your fishing tackle ready. Be sure you have a good assortment of Custom Painted Colored Crawfish Crankbaits.
Remember the color of the crawfish has changed dramatically since Spring.
For Fall you need deeper, rustic crawfish crankbaits.